

InDesgin is a very popular program for designing menus. The precise measurments and the smart guide tool are used often when creating menus. When creating this menu, decided to make a bi-fold. Bi-fold's tend to be much more appealing to a customer. I made the primary color of the menu purple and made the text white. Having white text makes the menu much easier to read. I designed the cover of the menu in photoshop. I simply had took 2 images and turned both of their opacity to 75%. After that I overlayed both these images.


I made my logo for the Atlantic Brewing Company. I used the Earth as part of my logo and had it concentrated on the Atlantic Ocean. I made my drawings very simplistic. I used the pen tool to draw the continents. I made my font color a light green and did not have any filler to my font. I choose to have the Earth as the logo so when people throw away the bottle he or she will think twice whether to throw it into the trash or recycle it.


InDesign is great for designing calendars. In order to create the calendar format, you will need to use excel. In excel I organized the days of each month properly. I then took these files an imported them into InDesign. I took out the gridlines of each calendar. I thought it be nice to not have the typical calendar format.